The Official Blog of NoNo the Manx kitten is ................
Here you will see photos of NoNo doing all the things that make him so cute!
Some assembly required....... As always there are too many projects in conception and creation; the brain overflows, and the hands just don't work quickly enough. And then..........the alpacas.....take up my time too.
The Official Blog of NoNo the Manx kitten is ................
Here you will see photos of NoNo doing all the things that make him so cute!
Chinnie sunbaking . Xyffie at 4 weeks, beside Elouise, and standing, looking at Chinnie. Not.... "Cat on a Hat" This is No-No perched on a gate post. He's the cat who is very mixed up. He eats chook food, dog food, alpaca food, cat food, and human food. If I head out to the shed he's always right behind me. He's worked out where the alpacas drink their water from, and drinks from that too, and where the dogs water bucket is too. He's very trusting of the alpacas, and wanders between their legs and lies down in the dirt, seemingly, unworried that they will harm him.
and Xebebe makes 20.
Here Xebebe watches on as mum Zuhra (brown) talks to Chinwag. Xebebe was born on Sunday 7th May after a relatively quick (we hope) labour. We had just returned from Brisbane, and noticed that Zuhra was in labour. The head and only one leg had presented. Of course, the other leg popped out as soon as Marg had phoned the Vet. After that the delivery was uneventful, and Xebebe was standing and trying to feed within 45 minutes of being born and was doing laps of the paddock that night. She's a lively little critter, and loves talking to all the other alpacas.... spending more time with them than she does with her mother.