Sunday, December 26, 2004

Zhenka Zulu Warrior -26th December - my birthday

You'll never guess who the new kid on the block is. I'm about an hour old here, and the girls think I'm pretty gorgeous. (Zadok, my brother is 8 weeks old in this photo) Posted by Hello
Hi. I'm Zhenka - Zulu Warrior. I was 9 kgs (so it's appropriate that I have a long name!) when I was born at lunchtime. My mother is Natalie, and she is black. My dad is a white suri, and I have long light brown fleece. I kept them waiting, because I should have been born anytime from the 29th November............hehehe.........they had to cancel their trip to NZ when Zadok was born.........I was hoping they'd cancel Christmas for me!

Late Male--------(deliberate) They've named me Zhenka! Fiona wanted them to call me Zulu - so I've got a very trendy hyphonated name.


Good day! I'm Bert and I was blown out of my nest a few days ago. My mum and dad made me hop all the way up to Marg's place so that she could look after me until my tail feathers grow so I can fly up to the tree in the paddock again. Posted by Hello

I spent 2 nights out of the nest and Marg forced me to eat dog food, bread crumbs, raw was very very yuk. (She did give me some raw steak on Christmas Day........) It's now 5 days since I moved in with Marg; at first she stuck me in the budgie cage; but let me sit on her spinning wheel during the day, and has a box with nice straw in it at night time. Now she lets me stay out in one of the other trees all day, and my real mum and dad bring food to me. I like their food so much better than Marg's food, ........worms, crickets, moths etc. I even open up my mouth voluntarily for them.
My real mum and dad have been visiting Marg and Dave for years. Marg's Dad was really good, and he used to buy more rump steak for my parents and grandparents than he ate himself! Needless to say, these humans are safe and don't get attacked. The dogs have even been really nice to me, and haven't tried to eat me! Max is amazing and can find me if I decide to move from one tree to another. I've been putting on lots of weight, and only weighed 160 gm when I first arrived on Wednesday 22 December. After Christmas dinner I was 193 grams...........must have been all the rum balls, and shortbread........not!

Friday, December 10, 2004

"And I love my Adro Shed"
Need I say IS organised!

Lorikeets beware - or I'll be using your feathers!

You have to start somewhere. No comments from the purists please.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Anything can happen, (and probably will)

Who needs to see?

"Rio - Pleased to meet you". Posted by Hello

Monday, December 06, 2004

just felt like it

This is a close up of some felt which I made from the legs and belly hair. It has felted quite well, and with some unique handling, will make an exquisite accessory - but maybe not for a black outfit (it does shed!)
(Some of the fleece is from Zoe and some from Jessie)

originally uploaded by margyb.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Alpaca poo.......

I have only just started this in an attempt to share hair-brained ideas with other arty-farty people (and other normal people) who like to stretch things to the limit.

I "grow" alpacas in Southeast Queensland, and have always dabbled in artistic things particularly fibre crafts. After shearing this year we have fleece and fleece and fleece; and while there is no shortage of ideas of how to use said fleece, it takes time dyeing, spinning, knitting, weaving, etc etc..........oh, wouldn't it be great if there were a few extra hours in the day.

If only there were more hours today
If only the washing would fly away
If only the gardens didn't need care
then I could exhibit my artistic flair.......

If only the animals could feed themselves
If only dust stayed hidden on shelves
Then I could knit all the day long
and stop writing this poor sad song.

Friday, December 03, 2004

I like being clean, but I love the mud better - I just want to look like my mummy! Posted by Hello